Years ago I was at a motivational conference when the speaker asked the group what at the time seemed like a simple question. She asked: What would you do if you knew you would not fail? If you were guaranteed success what would you attempt? I still find that question to be one of the […]
Dream Big Inspiration Permission to Dream Stepping Stones
Career Change, Dream Big, Guaranteed Success, Lisa Hammond, Stepping Stones, The Barefoot CEO
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Whether you are toasting in Time Square or dancing around a bonfire on a beach, we all celebrate in our own unique ways. Regardless how you ring in the New Year we all get to start 2014 off shiny and fresh! In Spain they count on grapes to bring good luck. Eating 12 grapes at […]
Lisa Hammond, new year, New Year Traditions, New Year's Eve Traditions, New Years Eve, The Barefoot CEO
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Without a goal or a dream we are charting our course without a map. I have discovered that how we chart our course can be as varied and unique as the dreams we have. Some people are visual, others make lists, for some it’s a numbers game. I have been creating Vision Boards long before […]
Book Writing Inspiration Permission to Dream Stepping Stones
Diana Nyad, Dream Big, Life Coaching, Lisa Hammond, Permission to Dream, Stepping Stones, The Barefoot CEO, The BarefootCEO, Vision Board, Workshops
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I have a friend who used to say he wouldn’t take a day off because he was sure the company he worked for couldn’t function without him. He told everyone he was the guy holding up the sun. Well, it turns out, after he retired the sun still managed to come up every single day without […]
Holding Up the Sun, priorities, recharge batteries, Rose Macaulay, The Barefoot CEO, Time Off, work
I was in a store a few days ago watching a young Mom juggle three small children. The woman ringing her up at the check out counter smiled and said, “Don’t worry, it’s a phase, it will get easier.” Watching this scene, I wondered if I should tell her the truth. I have come to […]
Balance family
It's a Phase, Jane Fonda, Lean In, Lisa Hammond, Parenting, phases kids go through, The Barefoot CEO, truth about motherhood, Welsh Terrier, Working Mothers
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If you can read this, you have a teacher to thank. Educating our children has become an unsung and undervalued profession. The people who do this important job are shaping lives. I applaud their hard work and dedication. I was raised by a teacher. I know how passionate my Dad was about his work. He […]
Back to School, Heart of a Teacher, teachers, The Barefoot CEO
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