Without a goal or a dream we are charting our course without a map. I have discovered that how we chart our course can be as varied and unique as the dreams we have. Some people are visual, others make lists, for some it’s a numbers game. I have been creating Vision Boards long before […]
Book Writing Inspiration Permission to Dream Stepping Stones
Diana Nyad, Dream Big, Life Coaching, Lisa Hammond, Permission to Dream, Stepping Stones, The Barefoot CEO, The BarefootCEO, Vision Board, Workshops
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Years ago I was at a motivational conference when the speaker asked the group what at the time seemed like a simple question. She asked: What would you do if you knew you would not fail? If you were guaranteed success what would you attempt? I still find that question to be one of the […]
Dream Big Inspiration
courage, Dream Big, Guaranteed Success, Lisa Hammond, Permission to Dream
In my home we frequently use the expressions, get an “app” for that, or we need an app for that. As an iphone loving family app’s are part of our vernacular. So when I got my own apps, it was VERY exciting!!! As far as my twenty-something kids were considered Mama had finally hit the […]
Inspiration Permission to Dream Stepping Stones
App, iphone, Permission to Dream, Stepping Stones
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It seems that we are being given reminders in both large global ways and in small personal ways to focus on what matters. A new sense of hope and opportunity seems to be emerging. Let’s embrace it! Find the time to give back, speak and show your affection often, keep promises, believe more strongly in […]
Stepping Stones
dreams, iphone Ap, Permission to Dream, quotes, Stepping Stones
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