They say don’t sweat the small stuff, but maybe it is the small stuff that actually matters. I have been thinking about all of the weight we give to the big decisions in life. How much pressure we place on ourselves to make the right choices when it comes to deciding on a career path, […]
Dream Big
Big Dreams, Delayed Gratification, Femail Creations, French Fries, Small Decisions, Sweat the Small Stuff
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I was chatting with a friend yesterday who was at the end of her rope. She said she felt like she was clinging to her last shred of sanity. We have all been there at one point or another. As she was sharing her feelings of exasperation it dawned on me that men never seem […]
Balance Book Writing Oh Thank Goodness
feeling crazy, Femail Creations, nervous breakdown, Oh Thank Goodness It's Not Just Me, Simple Truths, Sisters, Stressed out, take a break
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This morning as I put on a pair of warm socks to guard against the chilly floors and headed downstairs to my office, I thought about how much I cherish these socks and their origin. Those of you who have been with me from the start of this journey may remember one of the very […]
Femail Creations Holidays Inspiration Making a Difference
Babbie Cameron, Charity, Femail Creations, full circle moments, Making a Difference, Rainbow Socks
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I recently received an unexpected but deeply appreciated note. A vendor from Femail Creations took the opportunity to drop me an email after reading my blog to thank me for being in the catalog and to let me know just how much that exposure meant to their company. I happened to read the note at […]
Femail Creations Inspiration
appreciation, Femail Creations, teachers, Thanksgiving, video
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As many of you know I am a wee bit obsessed with quotes, and one of my very favorites is Margaret Mead’s quote, “Never doubt a small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. Nancy G. Brinker is a beautiful example of that. The Susan G. […]
Making a Difference
3-Day Walk, Breast Cancer, Femail Creations, Margaret Mead, Nancy G. Brinker, Susan G. Komen
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