For a long time, I was really just a two dimensional person. It was all about work and family. For many years it stayed that way. I had to cut out just about everything else. But I think I am wiser now. I am trying to find more balance in my life. I always thought […]
Balance, Business, family, peace, priorities
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Maybe your Thanksgivings tend to go kind of like a lot of mine…not quite like the Norman Rockwell paintings? Whenever extended family tends to gather with wide ranging political and religious views it seems like we are left with the humdrum pass the salt small talk or the other extreme that ends in a heated […]
family, Nancy Thayer, never too late, Thanksgiving
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Siblings offer one of the most unique relationships we will ever have in our lives. A while back I spent time reminiscing with my brother, and finding out things about his childhood I never knew. It was very insightful and reminded me how much I still have to learn about my siblings and how much […]
brothers, family, siblings, Sisters
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