Most worthwhile things take time, effort and commitment. The “overnight success” story is usually years in the making. We all want to succeed, but are we all willing to commit to success?
“I don’t care what my clients want – everybody ‘wants’ a thousand things. I care about what they’ll commit to.” ~ Tony Robbins
I recently wrapped up a discussion with friends who are at the top in their fields who “want” to bring in much needed new management. Yet none of them are actually taking concrete steps to resolve the situation. Just wishing it would happen.
Have you ever heard a single friend say they “want” to meet someone special? But then they won’t get out and mingle or engage in any activities. Unless their delivery person is special, this probably won’t work.
We all “want” to feel great. I hear people say they want to feel better all the time—as they wash down a handful of chemicals with a sugary drink or hit the drive-thru for the third time that day. Saying we want to feel better is meaningless. Wanting something doesn’t make it so.
Wanting less stress, better health, more clients, a new way of life or whatever change we expect to make, takes more than desire. It takes commitment and effort.
Are you willing to accept a challenge? Pick one area that has been all “Want” and give yourself a Commitment Challenge. List 3 things in that area that you are truly willing to commit to. Set a deadline and follow through.
I can’t wait to hear about your Commitment Challenge successes!
Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®