To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
~Mother Teresa
I think women are a lot like lamps.
Over the last forty years, research studies have shown that women’s overall level of happiness has dropped. This decline in happiness has no connection to whether or not we have kids, how healthy we are, what career we choose, what our income is, how old we are, or whether we are single or divorced. The bottom line is: Women are loosing ground on the happiness scale. I personally believe it is because we are running on fumes and are simply out of oil.
Is your indicator warning light flashing low, low low? Is it time to put more oil in your tank?
Make a promise to yourself this year that self care will be a priority. Move yourself to the top of the list and begin to put Oil in Your Lamp.
Start by giving yourself a few minutes of “me time” to watch the link below. Click on the inspiring link and turn up the sound on your computer so you can really feel the message of this beautiful little movie and then share it with someone who also needs oil in her lamp.”>src=”
Blessings for a NEW year!
Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®