I don’t golf. Well, that’s not entirely true. I have golfed about 18 holes total in my life. And most of those were at night under the cover of darkness—but that’s a different story. The point I am trying to make here is golf comes in handy for business.
Since I am not an avid golfer, I had to be a bit more creative when it comes to the art of the deal. Turns out a lot of women don’t golf. However, we all have feet, and most love getting pedicures. And that is how I got my foot in the door…
I have brokered many a deal over the pedicure bowl. Whenever I have a really tough negotiation I head to the spa. After a nice lunch, stop by the salon and while your chatting away with your captive audience (she can’t go anywhere without her shoes) you have the perfect opportunity to make your pitch.
Society may still be much more okay with guys heading out of the office for the links than with women heading out for a round of pedicures. However, when it comes to getting the deal done, I think red wins out over the greens!
Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®
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