The way we spend our time is ultimately the way we spend our lives.
What do you always think about doing, but don’t actually do?
What does your heart desire? Have you always wanted to run a marathon, take a trip to the land of your ancestors, take a photography class, learn to speak another language, plant a garden, write your history, or volunteer at a local charity?
Commit to making this be the year you actually do it! The reality is we make time for whatever is truly important to us. If it is really a priority we find, carve out, and create the time.
The way we spend our time is a reflection of our priorities. How will you be spending your time?
Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®
4 users responded in this post
Love this post. Well said. I posted a link to this on my facebook page.
Thanks for the inspiration, Lisa! After an extremely turbulent 2009, I look forward to embracing the new year with open arms and following my heart on a new path!
Best wishes!
I’m spending my time trying to make the world a better place via my minimal efforts through my writing and radio show. And, I’m striving to get YOU to co-host #DadChat sometime in Feb/March to add your wisdom to my quest, Lisa!
It’s unfortunate that many don’t pursue their desires, spending their time on everything but. Thanks for inspiring me and many others to reflect on our priorities in the new year!