They say don’t sweat the small stuff, but maybe it is the small stuff that actually matters.
I have been thinking about all of the weight we give to the big decisions in life. How much pressure we place on ourselves to make the right choices when it comes to deciding on a career path, buying a car, whether we should hire this person or that person, picking a place to live, and other big moves.
Think of all of the time and energy we put into the big decisions in our lives…
Yet we virtually ignore the small decisions in our lives. We hardly give a second thought to all of the tiny matters throughout the day. Whether or not to stop on our way to work for that $5 cup of coffee, or pick up that magazine at the checkout stand.
Maybe the decisions we aren’t making are the very ones that are deciding the true direction our lives take…
Many people ask me how I got the start up money to launch Femail Creations, the catalog company I founded from the ground up many years ago. It pretty much came down to French fries. When I say that people tend to look at me like I am crazy. But it was the simple choices, like giving up fast food and going to the movies that allowed us to save every penny we could and ultimately helped me get Femail Creations off the ground.
Sometimes it is as simple as skipping that side order–and believe me that is the true definition of delayed gratification for a girl who loves her French fries!
More and more I have come to believe it is actually the small seemingly inconsequential decisions that make up the fabric of our lives.
It’s the small stuff that matters, always has been, always will be.
Small decisions lead to big dreams!
Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®
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