I would like to publicly apologize to my Dad. Back in the day, when I was growing up I used to think it was down right cruel of my father to hide his stash of Pepsi from his kids—especially this kid!
He had gone so far at one point he actually started locking his favorite soda, cereal and candy in a drawer in his filing cabinet. At the time I thought it bordered on child abuse. A few decades later I realized it was nothing short of the desperate act of a man simply trying to enjoy a cold soda.
Having now endured the torments of my own children I have what one might call “perspective” or “clarity” — others might refer to it as “crow pie”! As I too have resorted to my own desperate acts as a parent. If you were to visit my home today you would find my own stashes.
Just the other day I literally laughed out loud as I reached for my stash of chocolate, swedish red fish and Diet Dr. Pepper. My Dad would be so proud. My hiding place not only has a lock—but is refrigerated!
You taught me well old man!
Lisa Hammond
The Barefoot CEO ®
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