Christmas just doesn’t feel the same once the kids are grown. The magic of watching young children on Christmas morning is something to be treasured. This year our grand-dog Fiona is providing the laughter and the magic of the season! Happy Holidays! Lisa Hammond The Barefoot CEO ®
family Holidays
Christmas, Fiona, magic of the season, rubber chicken
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So many of us are counting down the days until 2009 is over, eager to greet a new year with new hope. If 2009 has you feeling like you’ve been hit by a train, I offer up Hartley’s words of wisdom for us all. I met Hartley last year while I was on a trip […]
Balance Holidays Inspiration
Fear Not, new year
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This year I was going to deck the halls, hand-write holiday greetings and actually mail them, make sugar cookies from scratch, and finish all of my shopping before Thanksgiving. Ha! That didn’t happen. About this time each year I think most women basically have our hair on fire. There is just so much to do! […]
Balance Holidays Inspiration
Christmas overwhelm, little tree, Madame Claus
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This morning as I put on a pair of warm socks to guard against the chilly floors and headed downstairs to my office, I thought about how much I cherish these socks and their origin. Those of you who have been with me from the start of this journey may remember one of the very […]
Femail Creations Holidays Inspiration Making a Difference
Babbie Cameron, Charity, Femail Creations, full circle moments, Making a Difference, Rainbow Socks
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My favorite holiday tradition is getting new pajamas on Christmas Eve. When I was a kid I loved getting the pj’s with feet in them! I looked forward to opening up every Christmas Eve what in our home was called a “zoot suit”. Last year I thought it would be fun if my family had […]
family Holidays Playing Around
holiday traditions, pajamas with feet, zoot suits
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