As many of you know I am a wee bit obsessed with quotes, and one of my very favorites is Margaret Mead’s quote, “Never doubt a small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. Nancy G. Brinker is a beautiful example of that. The Susan G. […]
Making a Difference
3-Day Walk, Breast Cancer, Femail Creations, Margaret Mead, Nancy G. Brinker, Susan G. Komen
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I am working on my next book and I want YOU to be in it! So many of us are running on empty and are in desperate need of a refill. Some of us have learned how to refuel, but most of us are still in the process of figuring that out. How did we end […]
Book Writing Inspiration
running on empty, Share story, writing book
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I have been getting a lot of questions about my darling little grand-dog Fiona. She is recovering nicely after her surgery. She got her stitches out. She has been doing her physical therapy in the swimming pool. She is so happy to be free of the cone she had to wear for weeks and be […]
family Pets
grand-dog, Pets, Welsh Terrier
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Funny as it sounds, I’m a big believer in the power of procrastination. I used to spend a lot of time agonizing over projects I was dreading. That alone was a waste of time. Now, when I don’t feel like looking at spreadsheets or some other less appealing part of my business, I throw myself […]
Balance Business
Procrastination, time management
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Ironically, a bird had built a nest on my patio, just as I was facing my own empty nest. Each day I watched the other bird fly off to get food for her babies. It had been my morning ritual that summer. My kids know I have a full life, actually enjoy spending time with […]
family Inspiration
children, college, school, spreading wings, video
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